Personal Narrative: My Passion For The Sport Of Basketball

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Ever since I was a little boy, about eight years old or so, I had an extreme passion for the sport of basketball. On weekends, I would wake up in the morning, eat a bowl of frosted flakes or cheerios, put on basketball shorts and then go in my driveway to shoot around. I would be out there for hours just shooting around or playing with some random kids that I would occasionally see walking around my neighborhood. This was satisfaction to me, but even better was playing on multiple public teams and not just playing in my driveway every day. In elementary school, I played in a recreational league, just like almost every other kid who tries out basketball when they were younger. This was fun and all but it was nothing too serious. There were never any practices, it was just one or two unorganized games per week. I never took …show more content…

I devoted so much time and effort into that sport and to stop playing seriously like this was heart breaking. I listened to all my family and friends about how fast I was and decided to try out track. I knew that I wouldn’t hurt by doing this and I didn’t want to stop playing sports. I always thought how track would be a sport where if you have natural talent, you will be good. I decided to give it a go and after running over a mile in the first practice I was a little reluctant to keep going. I couldn’t keep running all these long distances when I’m not in shape for it. I kept telling myself this so I would just keep pushing through it. My mind was in a million places questioning if I should have just stuck with playing basketball even though I didn’t find it was fun as it used to be. So, after a few months of hard training and practice, I stuck with track. My coach, my family and my friends all persuaded me to do it because they thought I would do good and strive throughout the season. This was a hard change for

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