Suicidal Tendencies

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Determining is a client is suicidal is a task that is not only detrimental, but is also difficult. Many clients who suffer from suicidal idealities also suffer from other disorders such as severe anxiety, delusions, substance abuse, panic attacks, and major depression (Butcher, 2007). There tends to be a marked change in the mood of the suicidal client as well as a decline in self esteem and personal hygiene (Butcher, 2007). A loss of interest where there once was interest, withdrawn depressive attitude, and self mutilating behaviors are also indicators that suicide is a possible thought in the individuals mind (Butcher, 2007). Suicidal clients often feel a sense of hopelessness about their future and may engage in reckless behavior that is not normal for them (Butcher, 2007). There has been some research that genetics may play a possible risk factor in suicidal behavior (Butcher, 2007). Individuals with family history in psychopathology, maltreatment, and instability may have an affected cognitive ability that alters their view of resolution (Butcher, 2007).

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