Suffering as Christ Did

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Suffering as Christ Did

Some people may agree with this statement because Jesus suffered

immense torture, death and cruelty. We know this because in Mark’s

Gospel there is the story of Jesus’ crucifixion where he got mocked,

beat and stripped him. Jesus suffered and was made to carry his cross

people shouted abuse at him and laughed at him questioning his power.

Just before Jesus died he shouted “My God, My God, why did you abandon

me?” People today it could be said are not willing to suffer such

cruelty and torture. They are afraid to stand up fro what is right.

People can’t even be bothered to give up one hour a week and go to

church, they are often afraid to stand up and be counted for when it

comes to religion. There are even examples of this in Jesus’ time when

his disciples fail to admit to their faith for example when Peter

denies Jesus; Jesus predicts it and says that before the day is over

Peter will deny him three times before the cock crows. Peter does and

he feels ashamed of himself.

However, some people may disagree with this statement as many people

have stood up for and died for the faith and beliefs. Maximilian Kolbe

was a prisoner at Auschwitz. He died on 14th August 1941 after

standing up for his faith and putting others before himself, like a

true disciple. He was ordained a priest in 1918 and after a while of

spreading his ‘infectious love for Mary’ he started to write a Daily

Catholic Newspaper whilst also suffering from TB. As war approached he

persuaded his fellow priests and people of Poland to ‘accept suffering

with love’. By September 1939 his work at Niepokalanov was stopped by

invading Germans and after three months they were released. Later

Maximilian organised shelters for Polish refugees, most of them Jewish

and provoked his own arrest by publishing his newspaper again.

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