Successful In Honors Classes Essay

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There many traits students needs besides being “book” smart to be successful in honors classes at the Hillsborough High School. I am helpful, kind, caring, patient, and a strong leader, these I believe are some traits that are needed for a student to be successful for honors classes at the high school. Some people may say that I am helpful, kind and selfless, this can be proven with some things I have done, I have been in the 4H rc car club for 4 years and this year I am a junior leader and community service coordinator. I have organized programs so my club can send christmas cards to veterans and senior citizens, collect soup cans for the soup bank during the month of January for “Souper Bowl”. Lastly we collect backpacks and school supplies over the summer which my mom and I then go to our church and collect more supplies from our congregation and last year we packed 250 backpacks. Being a Junior leader in that same club gives me a chance to help spread my knowledge of RC cars with other members and …show more content…

When I am not at school I may be found at Tae Kwon Do I have been doing it for 8 years and in spring of this year I may be testing for my second degree black belt. This has taught me a lot about being determined and setting goals and striving to achieve them. Written in big, black, bold letters in the front of the room where we practice is written “My goal is to become a black belt.. A teacher... A master.” This only shows some of the goals, the major goals that as a student we have our sights set on. Before black there are sixteen colored belts before black belt I set goals and strove to get to each one and get to black belt. However, this also six years of hard determination. There were some times when I thought about quitting but thought about my main goal of getting to black

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