Substance Abuse Evaluation Summary

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The intention of evaluations are to develop a depiction of the client’s substance abuse problems, substance abuse history and behavioral patterns; to identify the client’s strengths and weaknesses; to identify the client’s spirituality/religious beliefs/morals; to help determine the client’s social and psychological functioning; to observe the client’s attitude and behavior during assessment; and determine how treatment will address the client’s issues and needs. The evaluation process confronts the client about the consequences of their substance abuse; and both the client and clinician determine what behavioral changes are needed; and what changes the client is willing to make, or wants to make (Miller, 2011). In addition, the clinician also puts together a summary statement (that includes all of the detailed information) of recommendation for appropriate treatment.
Most clinical evaluations require preliminary screening for reason such as: sorting out …show more content…

He mentions that he comes from a good family and that his biological parents are still married. The term ‘good family’ and ‘ideal childhood’ symbolizes that they do not support or tolerate drugs or alcohol. He may feel as a failure for possibly going through divorce and not being able to meet his parent’s standards.
Sleeping disturbances (i.e. sleeping too much, or too little) was not indicated during the initial assessment and should be screened for. Sleep deprivation has been linked to substance abuse, irritability; physical complications such as heart attack; obesity, insomnia and depression. Public health hazards such as accidents and work injuries; poor academic and work performance; decreased energy levels; dramatic mood changes; weakened immune system; and cognitive impairment (i.e. memory loss, concentrating, problem solving, attention and reasoning) have also been linked to sleeping disorders.
• Functional analysis of the client’s substance

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