Subaru: A Short Story

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So there I was sitting in the passenger side of the beat up Subaru with some indie rock band playing in the background. The singer sounded like he was on his last leg and was about to run out victoriously, jumping into the freeze frame with his fist curled in the air. I had just finished performing halftime at the football game, we were still down by forty two. Boy, you should have seen us dance, we were goddamn awful. The new girls didn't know the steps, bumping mindlessly into each other and the girls who did know it were in too much of a mood to perform. Back in the car, the team captain was talking about how her and his guy were getting it on in the backseat just a couple of days ago. To be fair, she's a friend, but after her summer in …show more content…

When she dropped me off at home, she said she was going back to the game despite being so tired because there might be a party after. You ought to heard the way she asked if I wanted to go back, asking out of politeness but it was obviously not sincere. I said thanks and turned her down, laughed a little as I watched her drive back. I didn't sleep much that night, just tossed and turned a lot. Now let me tell you that being in a large group of people is the absolute worst. A bunch of us were walking to this junior's party Saturday night and we were noisy as hell. Alotta of us were already tipsy, falling over each other, trying to get at each other. When we got there, this kid with greasy shoulder length hair opened the door and told us that the party was full. The drunk ones started arguing with the kid while the others and I went through the back, only to find another greasy little kid guarding the back door. We must have looked ridiculous. A guy from inside the party came out and started to negotiate with the child bouncer. He was telling him about how the seniors are throwing down so hard next weekend, trying to persuade him to let us in. You could practically see the kids eyes dilate, thinking about how he would be in this exclusive party and how all his friends would get so jealous. Then at school, he would brag to everyone about him hooking up with some drunk chick who was too out of it to say no. Right then I started to feel like crap. …show more content…

It was probably a lousy place, but it sure did look nice. The night was freezing and I only had on a thin windbreaker I bought last winter break. I swear I thought I was gonna catch the goddam flu again. I saw some black silhouettes sitting on the playground, followed by a glow of orange and many puffs of smoke. It reminded me of a movie I saw this summer about these two spies who hate each other's guts, but need to work together in order to save the world. It the corniest thing I've ever seen. Anyways, it turned out they were the guys in the band at school. It's a pretty armature band, but the drummer isn't half bad, only he thinks too much of himself. The rest of my group were across the courtyard playing foursquare and having a damn good time, while I talked with the band. It was mostly meaningless exchanges of past stories but it had us laughing on the ground. We kept on talking for god knows how long, but my toes had turned blue by the end of

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