Study Abroad Is Better Than Studying Abroad

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Is studying abroad experience really worth every single penny you expend on the process? If you ask anyone who had a similar experience, he would definitely say that it was a life-changing experience and one of the best things they have ever done. Despite that, some people believe that studying abroad isn’t really good enough to worth the funds and time expended in the process. However, studying abroad is absolutely a valuable and beneficial experience that it can’t be compared to studying in national universities due to several reasons.

Those against studying abroad claim that it is expensive .As a result, students’ minds will be distracted from studying to earning money. This may be partly true because programs abroad organizers support extra services such as cultural outings, security briefings and on-site staff to transmit credits and sort out visa problems. However, in many cases, studying in national universities can cost the same or even more than studying abroad.
How that could be? Well, there are some programmes abroad which its tuition fees are totally or partially covered by the local government. Another option to save the cost is exchanging agreements by trading places between students at a national university and at a foreign university. This way works because universities aren’t sacrificing a tuition-paying student for a semester. Furthermore, you can cover all your accommodation and living cost by working only 15 hours weekly in the countries that are cooperating with dream foundation such as United Kingdom, Sweden, and Denmark leaving you enough time to focus on your studying. Finally and more importantly, the benefits you will gain from the experience of studying abroad actually worth any extr...

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...ies seek out with them. When people study abroad, their education grows doubly faster than if they study home. They will be studying with an entirely new way of teaching and equipped with the most valuable and recent knowledge and science achievement. As a result, they will be emerged with the best understanding of their subject. They will also gain analytical abilities, subtleties of varieties of cultures and problem solving skills beside the ability to speak a foreign language as mentioned before.

Finally, if you have the opportunity to study abroad, really consider it. It can be the best decision you will ever make for your future. However, remember to choose the right program to study, prepare for your destination city by reading everything you can about it, Hang out with the right people in order to stay safe and enjoy your life-changing

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