Student Leadership Application Essay

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Siena Pugay 7th grade Student Leadership Application 2018 - 2019 Student Leadership Short Answers 1. What constitutes being an effective student leader and how do you demonstrate those characteristics? To me, there are countless attributes to become not only, a leader, but a student leader at St. Raymond school. The list is long when describing certain qualities to be a leader. However, I think that being a student leader requires five basic attributes: independence, creativity, perseverance, improvisation, and of course, leadership. I think I demonstrate these qualities well, in a variety of ways. Out of all the attributes I picked, I think I feel that I demonstrate improvisation, independence, and leadership the most. I feel that I prefer to take initiative when it comes to being in a group, either academically or in extra-curricular activities, and I am usually chosen to be responsible for a group. I like to lead and guide others to success, which leads to perseverance. Especially when I’m the leader in the group, I will never skip over a question on a worksheet or a math problem, because I won’t stop until I figure it out. I will persist and stick to a plan. Improvisation is also quite important because it requires cleverness and fast thinking. You never know if there’s extra reminder to be said at an all-school assembly or an …show more content…

Sometimes, when I miss days for said activities, I go over my calendar and write specific assignments or tests that I need to take while I’m back. I find that writing notes down and posting reminders help me the most, which has come a good habit for me this year. I also check RenWeb for missing assignments and ask others what was missed. I think I can use the skill of organization and writing important notes down for balancing leadership, school, and extracurricular

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