Persuasive Essay: College Education Should Be Free

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College Education Should be Free
Education is important for everyone whether it is rich or poor. Everyone has the right to education and to learn new things. Education is the most important part of life. The College education is a necessity in today's life. Education needs to be free from school to university so that everyone can get an education.
The college education should be free for a citizen. The average cost for college per year is $8,893 in the United States which middle class cannot afford (‘Essay about University Education Should Be Free”). Most of the students stressed their fees and cannot concentrate on studies. Having free education in college students will concentrate more on studies then worrying about the fees. Secondly, if education becomes free from school to university so, this will be a step towards equality between rich and poor. …show more content…

American is behind from so many countries that offer free education for young adults (“More Loans Not Answer”). The majority of American believe that college education is as important as a high school diploma used to be in achieving American Dream (Reed, Jr.). A free college education will help the whole country. More people will have higher education than now. Increase in the rate of higher education fewer people will be unemployed. Every citizen will have opportunity to get education. This will bring equality.
The Government gives grants to the students but most of the students did not get funding from them (“Essay about University Education Should Be Free”). Books are also very expensive for students. If college education becomes free, so the students will have money to pay for books. This is everyone right to learn and be educated, views the world from the other and new perspective, and does something on their own. However, the expensive and unaffordable college is imposable for the student to go to college (“Essay about University Education Should Be

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