Student Athletes Research Paper

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Have you ever wondered what student athletes are or what they exemplify? Student athletes are ordinary people like you and me, with the exception that they excel at sports and are given the opportunity to play while receiving an education. Societies believe these students are the most outstanding ones in their class. They are expected to have the highest grades as well as to be the best in their sport. I believe they go through a lot of hard work and tension to be able to play a sport while receiving an education. What many people do not ask themselves or do not even consider are the challenges they face to get to where they are. So, what are some of the challenges faced by student athletes? For this research paper, I will answer this inquiry by observing and interviewing several student athletes in various settings to get thorough information about their perspectives. A stereotype society has regarding student athletes is that they only care about playing sports and nothing else. Even though several student athletes do get overwhelmed with all of the things they are expected to do, and to do impeccably most of them do care about their education. Some struggle so much they end up wanting or giving up and not completing successfully the student or the athlete part of being a student athlete, or sometimes both. “It’s tempting to believe …show more content…

Society needs to know what the students feel they need in order to succeed and accomplish their goals. Many believe that student athletes are just there to play sports but no, they do much more than that. They know all of the things that they will have to face when they sign that contract, but they are willing to do all of that stuff because of the passion they have. And with that passion they are able to do anything that they set their mind to, but of course a little help wouldn’t affect them at

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