Student 101 Research Paper

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University 101 has helped me acclimate me to college life at Northern Illinois University. When I first started here, I was extremely nervous for the new environment I was going into rather blindly. However, after taking UNIV 101, I learned some valuable information to better myself for my future college endeavors. Thanks to my professor, peer educator, classmates, the novel, and the text book, I will be able to continue throughout college with confidence and stability.
My instructor, Dr. McCoy, taught me valuable life lessons that can be applied throughout my college experience. He constantly gave advice on how to treat people and how to study effectively. One quote for Dr. McCoy that sticks out to me on how to interact with different types of people is, "Deal with people where they are." This quote helps me to always remember that some people are not at the same ability level as you, nor do they come from the same background. Using this advice, I have learned to tolerate a wide array of people that I normally would not have before UNIV. Furthermore, his quote "work hard now, so you can play hard later," has helped me with my studying habits. I always accomplish all of my work between Sunday night and Friday afternoon, so I can enjoy the rest of my weekend with no stress. His wise words will stick in mind for the rest of my life, and I …show more content…

So many of us came from completely different backgrounds; social status, learning disabilities, and ethnicities. Being in a small class, with such diverse people allowed me to realize that every aspect of life can be different and surprising. Even people that one would not believe to have valuable input are able to contribute to one's life in some meaningful way. The class opened my eyes to the way different people live. I now understand that everyone comes from different backgrounds, but that does not make us that much

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