Stuck In Neutral

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Did you know human euthanasia is illegal in all states? Stuck In Neutral is a novel written by Terry Trueman and is told from the perspective of a fourteen year old named shawn Mc. Daniel. Shawn was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when he was born. His parents are divorced and shawn thinks his dad is planning on killing him because of his disorder. Euthanasia should be legal in this novel due to shawn's severe disabilities. Did you know that euthanasia is legal for animals. First of all what is euthanasia? Euthanasia is where someone is in excruciating pain and wants to be put out of their misery (peacefully killed). Euthanasia is not legal anywhere in the real world even if people insist on being killed or say that they would rather be dead, it's …show more content…

If the person is provided with the right urgent care and if it is processed correctly then euthanasia can be avoided. Physician-assisted suicide does damage to the relationship of a doctor and their patient. It can also do damage to the patients who are in difficult situations. Euthanasia probably crossed shawn's dad's mind because of the pain shawn is in. “A big seizure just kind of grabs the inside of your skull and squeezes. It feels as if it's twisting and turning your brain all up and down and inside out. Have you ever heard a washing machine suddenly flip into that bang-bang-bang sound when it gets out of balance, or a chain saw when the chain breaks and gets caught up in the gears, or an animal like a cat, screeching in pain? Those are what seizures felt like when I was little.”(page 22) It is understandable why shawn's dad would think about killing shawn because of the pain shawn goes through everyday. Is Euthanasia the answer to shawn's pain? Shawn can't communicate so shawn's dad doesn't even know if he wants to be dead or alive. In this case No that is not the answer to shawn's pain because he can't communicate to

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