Mar Adentro Essay

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Caetlin Asher Spanish 325 10 March 2017 Lack of Separation Between the Church and State The separation between state and Church has been a controversial issue for decades. In the movie “Mar Adentro”, this separation between Church and state, or lack thereof, is brought to attention through the court battle between the state and Ramón Sampedro. Ramón Sampedro was a sailor who became a quadriplegic during an accident diving into the ocean water causing a permanent spinal cord injury leaving him paralyzed. Over twenty years of being paralyzed from the neck down, Ramón decides to receive legal permission to end his life through assisted suicide, specifically Euthanasia. Assisted suicide is an aid of some sort, usually a physician or doctor, ending the life of an individual on their terms and with their consent. Usually the person wishing to end their life is unable to end it on their own, or would like to do it through the legal system. In the movie “Mar Adentro”, the separation between state and Church is criticized for the lack of separation, and the impinging on the basic human rights of life. Up until 1978 in Spain, the Church of Catholicism was the This film exhibited the lack of life Ramón was experiencing, and his fight to end the suffering. Because the Church had an impact on society and the court system, Ramón legally was unable to end his suffering. With the help of someone who loved him dearly, Ramón ended his life in 1998; however, he did suffer for over twenty-five years unable to end his life. Although Ramón ended his life through the help of another human, the Church opposed his right as a human to end his life, and fought against him. The function church plays in society is a dangerous role, and impacts the lives of citizens whether aware or

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