Strengths And Weaknesses Of Supply Chain

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Generally, as figure 1 shown that the Strengths for this supply chain is good for short run production and hard make mistake. It could avoid the lack of materials and make materials mixed together. However, the Weaknesses for this supply chain is complex which are much labor spending and low work efficiency, especially that new staff needs spending long time to adapt to the job. Certainly, X1 also knows the disadvantages for their supply chain and makes some special change for the disadvantages and reduces those problems effectively. Therefore, this is their Opportunities for supply chain to become better than before. The main Threats by supply chain from X1 during these years are summarized as below. 1. Risk of supplier finance. It mainly refers to that a supplier goes bankrupt or closes its production lines due to bad financial conditions. 2. Risk of regional calamity. Calamities in an area cause supply failure, such as volcanic eruption in Iceland, Europe, and earthquakes in Japan, etc. Natural hazards happen rarely but cause immense damages. 3. Risk of supplier quit. It mains...

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