Stranded- Creative Writing

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Elliot Stretched out his arms as he woke up from a restless night of

sleep. Poor Elliot was too afraid to sleep, afraid of the mysterious

beastie. In the night he could hear a continuous whispering coming

from outside the shelter, the whispering turned into nightmares. After

rubbing away the sleep from his delicate eyes with his grubby hands he

remembered all the bad dreams from the darkness of the night. These

brought a tear to his eye as he remembered the comforts of home.

Memories were slowly fading as time went on in the jungle.

Slowly he made his way out of the shelter and was greeted by another

boy shouting

“El! El!”

Without thinking about helping the bigguns with the fire or even

hunting he just went and joined with the others. The boy, who had

called him over, Mikey, greeted Elliot with a playful punch.

“I’ll race ya!” screamed Elliot as he began running towards he

luscious sea. Mikey ran after him. As they dived into the water and

were splashing each other a loud came from the conch they reluctantly...

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