Story in Media Res

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Story in Media Res

Task: Write a story ‘in media res’

Target: Proper planning

The Cafe

Lucy and her brother Dec worked in the café which their parents owned.

Recently they had been fighting a lot about work and having many petty

arguments about nothing. The last few weeks have been tough on Lucy

she has had to lie to their parents because of circumstances at home

with Dec. Lucy was sitting at a table after they had shut up the café.

She said “right, time to clear up I think” Dec ignored what she said

he had the look in his eyes that he gets when he is about to go off on

one. The tables were filthy and needed to be wiped, the floor swept

and moped and the dishes from last servings to be washed. Lucy looked

down at the marble floor covered in dirt and said “just go”. After he

had gone she began to clear up. She took all the white once immaculate

table clothes now speckled in coffee and wine stains and put them in

the wash. She swept the green marble floor she stared at it for a few

moments the white swirls in the marble became blurred to her as the

tears filled her eyes. Lucy had nearly finished clearing up the mess.

She thought to herself does this happen to every sister or just me?

The next morning everything seemed better for Lucy, she had a friend

coming over and Dec was being really nice to her and helping her with

some work for school. She was smiling even though things were bad

yesterday she thought to herself this is great just like old times,

this is the way it is going to be from now on. As Lucy and Dec were

sitting, him reading the newspaper and her doing her homework Dec said

confidently “ Thanks for working the shift on Friday night”

Lucy looked up confused and distraught she said “ what do you mean I’m

not working the shift, you are down on the rota to work it.

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