Story Of An Hour Literary Analysis Essay

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The life of women in the 1800’s consisted of little freedom and was controlled by the men in their life. This is shown in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin. The story explores the complex reaction of Louise Mallard upon learning of her husband’s death. Mallards emotions fluctuate between numbness and joy at her newfound freedom. Chopin utilizes the symbol of the open window to explore the thoughts of Mallards new life filled with freedom, a new beginning, and limitless opportunity. The passing of Mallards husband was an eye-opening moment for her. She wept at first but as she faced her open window “she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely. And she opened and spread her arms out to them in welcome.” (Chopin). Chopin is referring to Mallard being able to feel beyond …show more content…

What Wan is referring to here is that even though her family and doctor thought she died from the shock of seeing the man she loved alive. From the privy of her secret thoughts, she was not killed by joy but rather disappointment, the realization that she was still captive. She reacted so strongly to her husband’s entry into their home because she had been experiencing so much joy in her room; looking out the window at all the possibilities she had ahead of her. Her fancy was running riot along those days ahead of her; spring days, summer days and all sorts of days that would be her own. She had only enjoyed her freedom for one hour, what a short time to live something so wonderful. All of her conflicting emotions had caused her heart attack. With this in mind, it can be believed that she died from the thought of losing her freedom. She had put too much stress on her bad heart which caused her to die of heart

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