Story Of An Hour Essay

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In the story of an hour, the flash back that used in the story was a past time memory of Mrs. Mallard that it still affected her present. She compared her past life with her father with her present life with her husband. She found she didn’t change anything. It was the same life that she lived with her father. Also, the story reveals an irony. The irony was when Mrs. Mallards died because of the heart disease. The doctors clarified that the cause of the death was the joy of seeing her husband returned, but the reality was she felt she would get her freedom after her husband died. So, all of her thinking and hopeful died when she saw her husband came back to the house. In addition, the story has a great symbolism, which was Mrs. Mallard’s dreams and wishful thinking of her new life that she hoped to get. “Patches of blue sky” “tops of trees” and “new spring life” these was the contemplations of Mrs. Mallards. She was thinking of her new life after her husband died as a blue sky, which is pure and has the meaning of freedom. As the top of trees …show more content…

Mallard’s death was the joy of seeing her husband returned to the house after she thought he died. The doctors’ clarification applied an irony because Mrs. Mallards died after she felt she won her freedom. She lost everything she thought she would do it. But when she saw her husband, she realized that nothing changed. Mrs. Mallards didn’t get what she desired. She desired the freedom, but she couldn’t get it. Her husband was controlling everything. So, she felt she would give up from his controlling, and she would be free to go out of the house and go to the places that she dreamed to go, such as Paris, Taj Mahal, and other places that she dreamed to be there. The death in this story has another meaning from the general meaning that the people know. The death is death of person, but in this story the death was the death of hope, joy, and

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