Stockholm Syndrome

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Brainwashing is what these religious cults are mostly known for. The act of taking away someone’s own thoughts from them should be a crime in itself. However, these cult leaders go above and beyond by having the cult members believe that their families want nothing to do with them. A researcher points out that contact with a cult members real family and the world outside the cult is frowned upon; the has been redefined as the member’s new family (Tamm). This statement shows that religious cult leaders have complete control over their members thoughts as to what is defined as family. The reason why cult leaders segregate the members from their family is because the leaders is threatened by the family. The leader knows that if the cult members …show more content…

After a normal citizen is taken under a cult leader’s spell, the now member is brainwashed into thinking that the leader has saved them and can do no wrong. This type of indoctrination is known as Stockholm syndrome and happens frequently throughout religious cults. A researcher defines Stockholm syndrome by writing, “Stockholm syndrome refers to the ability of powerful captors, in this case hostage takers, to create in their victims a loyalty and identification that defies reason” (Haag). This quotation compares cult leaders to captors that take their hostages outside of the hostage holding event. Like captors, the cult leaders take the future members away from their current environment and lead them to believe what they are doing is morally right. However, the members do not realize at the time that they are being brainwashed into having these feelings of loyalty for their leader. Another researcher categorizes brainwashing into blind obedience by declaring with blind obedience, there is no questioning inside the group of what their authority is doing (Connor). A statement like this proves that the leader has the ability to indoctrinate the members into having no doubt in them. Within a cult society, blind obedience is key because without it, doubt could arise in the members. So, to stop this from happening the religious …show more content…

These actions are done daily but religious cult leaders around the world. Jim Jones, Warren Jeffs, Charles Manson, and many more have committed all the same crime of denying a human being their basic rights. Any other human being would be prosecuted for these offenses. However, since these cult leaders lead a religious organization, they say that these acts of violence are apart of their ritual and are basically untouchable. We as a nation must come together to stop this violence from religious cult leaders at once. In no way should the horrendous acts religious cult leaders force upon their members fall under the first amendment. To pursue legal action, this nation must bring these stories to local congress members. Once these religious cult members have the attention of congress, they should pass a law stating that religious cult leaders that have committed such acts should be seen as criminals and have the appropriate punishment be put forth upon them. No more shall someone’s mind be controlled by another. No more will women and children be raped for the purpose of “salvation.” The only way for ex-cult members to gain salvation is to be free from the cult leader’s clutches. This nation must serve justice to those it has

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