Steroids In Sports Essay

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Introduction Performance-enhancing drugs are widely used by professional athletes and even young athletes to boost their performance in sports. Types There are many types of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) like the synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroids such as oxandrolone methyltestosterone. Diuretics such as furosemide and spironolactone while stimulants such as ephedrine and amphetamines. PEDS are made in many forms as it can be taken orally, injected or rubbed into the skin and also in the form of dietary supplements. Reasons for using Athletes choose to take PEDs for short-term gains purposes. Money and fame are their ultimate goals as winning a match is defined as success. Success and victory demanded of their achievement motivate athletes to use PEDs. For physical goals, these drugs …show more content…

Both genders may suffer undesirable physical changes in which men develop shrunken testicles, enlarged breasts, infertility and baldness while women may develop deep voice, excess body hair, enlarged clitoris, irregular menstrual cycle and also baldness. As for teenagers, their growth and development might be stunted. These drugs also also brings effect psychologically to which induces a person to rage, violence, depression, invicibility, paranoid jealousy, irritability and impaired judgment. Athletes’ health are also exposed to danger as these drugs when consume can cause liver and cardiovascular problems, cancer, stroke, stunt bone growth and even HIV when contaminated needles are shared in which all of these diseases can result to their death. The moral principles that govern sports are violated when athletes turn to PEDs as it contravene the virtue of honesty and trustworthiness. Sportsmanship is replaced with the value to excel at the highest level. Young athletes to be easily influenced that taking PEDs would be the way to

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