Stereotyping In Media And Stereotypes In The Media

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You’ve seen the shows, nearly everyone has. You know, the one’s with “dumb blonde“, “pant- sagging gangster” or the “goth girl“? TV personnel and other forms of media have always used stereotyping and body image in their publicized works, easy tools in their fairly capable hands. Stereotyping, by Merriam-Webster’s definition is “to develop a mental stereotype about”. In my own words, it is to pre-judge someone or a group of people before meeting or interacting with them. Stereotypes also create and endorse the idea that if you don’t look and act a certain way your going to be an outcast or you’ll just be tossed to the side, and never paid attention to. Making it sensible that stereotypes and body image go fit together like pieces in a puzzle. Stereotypes are often added to television shows and movies to add drama or comedy. But, contrary wise, they actually add a sour taste in your mouth after watching every “nerd” or “girly gay guy” get pushed around and picked on, sometimes even physically punished, all for the sake of drama or even distorted comedy. Then, the “skinny, make-up cove...

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