Stereotypes Of Teenagers Essay

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Editorial Assignment: It bugs me when… It bugs me when teens are stereotyped. Stereotyping based on the age of an individual tends to put people of the offended age group into a small “bubble.” Within this bubble, often the offender puts assumed attributes to everyone that may fault within the age category. While the first conclusion may be assumed with this happening to teens. It is not limited to teens and even elderly workers fall victim to this stereotyping. If adults see a bunch of teens loitering in a certain area, a common assumption is that these teens are doing something suspicious. This is why most stores tend to have “No Loitering” signs near and around their stores as it can “create a bad image for their business.”(Los Angeles Police Department, Loitering) Now, a common argument may be “any age can loiter.” Which is true, however, store owners have bought a device known as the “Mosquito.” (Moving Sound Technologies, Featuring the Mosquito Device) This device “produces a small frequency like …show more content…

“Less than 1.4 million teens were employed full time in February, down from more than 4.1 million in June 1978, according to the Labor Department." (US News, Why Teens Are Getting Shut Out of the Workforce) Teens also are having to compete for college scholarships as the amount of people going to college is constantly increasing. In 1980, 12.1 million people were enrolling in college, in 2015, it is estimated that this number for enrollment is 20.24 million. (Statista, US College Enrollment and Projections in Public and Private Institutions) This generation is also being raised straight out of a recession, more families have struggled which could lead to fewer savings and even potentially tapping into their savings to stay afloat. Taking away from any money that could be used to assist their children in things like college, vehicles,

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