Stereotypes In The Movie Zootopia

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Have you ever felt obligated or pressured into fulfilling a certain job or role based on your physical characteristics? Well, in the movie Zootopia, all of the animals are culturally assigned to certain roles based on their characteristics. Because of the fact these different species of animals do different things and act different, stereotypes are formed because of it and the same things happens in the real world outside of the movie, in our culture, the human culture. All of the animals in the movie evolved from their old ways to get along and cooperate together in a thriving city called Zootopia, which also happens to be the title of the movie. Animals are placed are placed into two categories, predators and prey. Even though all of the animals get along, the predators are still stereotyped to be aggressive based on their past and their biological DNA. Some predators in the movie were exposed to a flower in the movie called the Nighthowler and it made them turn back into their old aggressive ways. With the fact that predators had aggressive behavior in their DNA in mind, the aggressive actions of the group of
The main character in the movie was a rabbit named Hops and her dream was to become a cop. When she told all of the other animals that she wanted to become a cop they laughed, made fun of her, and told her it was impossible because being a cop was stereotyped for bigger animals like Rhinos, Elephants, Tigers etc. Despite all of that she still never gave up and eventually did become a cop. Bigger animals in the movie had more important roles in Zootopia and smaller animals were underappreciated. Stereotypes like these play a part in our culture also, especially in sports. Basketball has a stereotype for people who are tall and lengthy and majority of the players in the sport are over 6 feet tall. Secondly, stereotypes for football players include men who are strong and rather muscle

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