Stereotypes In The Movie Essay

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1. Race and Stereotypes: Throughout Bamboozled, there is a conflict within the African-American community on whether the? Manray and Womack were justified in using the stereotypes of their race at the possible expense of how all African-Americans will be perceived. 2. Fame vs. Identity: During filming, Delacroix is deciding whether he should continue to depict his race negatively in his pursuit of fame. 3. The Consequences of Greed: Towards the end of filming, Delacroix becomes so egotistical that he begins to get rid of anyone that no longer served his needs. For instance, he fires his assistant or helper? because she no longer supported the decision(s?) he was making. 2. How are African Americans portrayed in the film? What do you think …show more content…

For instance, when scenes are filmed in awkward positions, angles, or shaky movements, which is not how movies are normally filmed. For example, the S or s?oda commercial contains a lot of swaying camera movement. In addition, a colorful filter was added to the scene, creating a comical effect. This makes the film's scenes less serious, which contributes to its satirical tone. 4. What is so compelling about ‘Mantan: The New Millennium Minstrel Show’? Why do the audiences come to like it and identify as black? A: ‘Mantan: The New Millennium Minstrel Show’ is so compelling because it challenges social norms and how certain races and their stereotypes are perceived?depicted. Audiences enjoy the show because it exaggerates African-American stereotypes, and audiences find that humorous?. The audience, which consists of different races, identify as black because the common interest (i don't know what the interest is) unifies them. 5. Satire is used to expose and ridicule certain aspect of society in order to offer constructive social criticism. What is this film critiquing? Give an example where that is

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