Stereotypes In Movies

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(4) Conventional is easy. Whenever an idea is generally perceived by society as standard or traditional it becomes very easy to display to the public without the raise of an eyebrow. This is the basis on which stereotypes appear in films. You’d think in the 21st century where what once were radical notions like same sex marriage and recreational drug use are being legalized that something uncalled for like the constant portrayal of character stereotyping would come to an end. Alas, stereotypical characters continue to emerge in film and unfortunately have become a staple of Hollywood because they’re simple and straightforward, requiring little effort on the part of the writers or thinking from the audience. It’s quite intriguing that you can …show more content…

From a filmmaker’s perspective, there are a number or reasons why stereotypes continue to appear in movies. First of all, they require almost no creative effort. It’s a lot easier to portray a character like Debbie in Knocked Up as a typical nagging wife that the audience could easily grasp than a dynamic character with interesting functionality. On another level, it’s almost a subconscious effort to put stereotypes into their films. As Shaheen asserts, filmmakers grew up watching movies portraying stereotypes like heroic westerners defeating the Arabs afflicted by disgusting stereotypes (Shaheen 55.) So it’s only natural that they would repeat said stereotype on a subconscious level not requiring a second thought about it (Shaheen 55). However, as Shaheen states, if someone brought it up with them and they realized the implications of their mistakes they would most likely stop said practice (Shaheen 55). From the audience’s perspective, stereotypes continue to appear in movies in an easy and comforting way. They require little thought from the audience and actually protect their self-esteem (Andre 73). Andre states they reassure the audience’s superiority and shields the ruling class from viewing their behavior (Andre 73). As in Iron Man 2, the stereotypical Russian villain is crushed by Iron Man and War Machine reassuring the audience of America’s superiority over the Russian terrorist

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