Stereotypes In The Classroom

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When we are at school, things go well until the girls go to P.E. There are some girls in my class who act marvelous and others who do not. When we play anything that has to do with teams, some people get offended. We may cheer or scream for our teammates and others think we are annoying. It’s always a person who gets mad at their team and quits. We argue at P.E. more than we play during P.E. It goes way out of hand and people do not participate in P.E. like they use to. If I could give advice to anyone, I would give it to the girls at P.E., who start a crisis and takes P.E. too serious. When we are at P.E., some people get mad when they are out or teammate gets out of the game. They hold a grudge forever when it is not that serious.

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