Stereotypes In The Film Arranged

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The movie Arranged centered on the story line of both a Muslim and Jewish woman, who come to terms that they are more alike and different. The theme is that they are both teachers working in the same school, and both come from two different culture backgrounds, that are very conservative. After a year of getting to know each other, they find out that they actually have a lot in common. Both are in situations where they are set to be rearranged in marriage. Throughout the movie I’ve notice a lot of stereotypes. One was the opinion that Muslims and Jews hate each other. What shocked me about this concept was not the fact that I assumed the same thing, but that the information came out the mouths of kids. Another stereotype that shocked me was the Jewish father who had a negative mindset towards African Americans. It was ironic because he himself is married to a woman who is of different ethnicity. How can someone be married another person outside their race, and still hold on to a racist mindset? This idea baffles me to say the least. Throughout the film so many differences and viewpoints were expressed. The biggest part that caught my attention was the battle between women who were conservative, and those who were more liberated. People have an idea that women should be more liberated during the 21 century. As if …show more content…

You think of how you are taught to look at things and place labels on them. And whatever is deemed as unworthy does not get to participate. It makes people feel as though they have to change the label that was placed on them, rather it was placed by others or themselves, in order to be accepted in the majority. The concept that I got most from this film was the idea that most of these thoughts and expressions are ideas that we developed as children. A racist, and stereotypical mindset is not something you’re born with. It is something that people choose to develop as they

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