Stereotypes And Extroverts, And The Workplace

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Introverts, Extroverts, and the Workplace The workplace is not just a collection of people from diverse backgrounds and cultures, but a place where individuals with differing personality types come together. A good example of this is the contrast between introverted and extroverted employees. Extroverts are people who get their energy from external stimuli, such as personal interaction, social gatherings, and shared ideas. Introverts, on the other hand, tend to find social interaction and gatherings draining and are best able to process information and think creatively in a private setting. While estimates on how many people are predominantly extroverted vs. introverted vary, it is fair to say that most teams have a mix of both types. In the …show more content…

Expect everyone to contribute their fair share to a team, but be open to allowing people to utilize their own personal styles in accomplishing tasks. Extroverts sense that a team is having difficulty functioning because of a personality clash, address it promptly. When it comes to multitasking extroverts often enjoy the challenge of multiple projects. Introverts, on the other hand, may prefer to work on one task at a time or feel scattered if their attention is pulled in too many directions. One way to turn this trait into a strength is to assign introverted employees to large projects that require sustained concentration. When it comes to the workspace, introverts may struggle in an environment with too many distractions, while extroverts may have difficult working in isolation. While there may not be much you can do about the area where your team is assigned to work, allow individual employees some freedom when it comes to managing their personal workspace. For instance, introverted employees may experience improved concentration if you allow headphone use in a cubicle area, while extroverted employees may have an easier time staying focused if they have the freedom to interact with co-workers on a casual basis from time to time. In addition, keep in mind that more introverted staffers may be well suited to telecommuting should such opportunities

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