Stephen King Foreshadowing

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Wonders of the World Has something in your life ever happened to you but don’t know why? It’s just unexplainable and you can’t seem to find a reason as to why this has happened. It is just an unknown cause and you can’t find a logical explanation for its’ occurrence. In the poems, short stories, and nonfiction for the unit, “ A World of Mysteries”,these text contributed to the unit because there was a strange event that involved a lot of drama and suspense that left the reader intrigued and constantly wondering what’s going to happen next. The writers use suspense and foreshadow techniques in their works to develop suspense. Most authors use foreshadowing to give some clues about what might happen later on as the writing progresses. The …show more content…

In the beginning of the story it was unknown about who had made the phone call but as the story progresses the reader is then able to find the answer to their questions. This had a lot of foreshadowing in it. It showed how something bad was soon going to happen in the story was you continue reading. For example, in the story it states, “Hello, Weiderman residence. Take… please take...t-t-. Polly? Is that you? What’s wrong?” This gave a clue that something bad will later occur in the story. The mysterious phone call was an example foreshadowing and had created some suspense in the story. There was a supernatural surprise ending in this writing. For instance, it says that, “The look holds until the phone is answered… and she hears herself on the other end of the line. Hello, Weiderman residence. (Katie- our present-day Katie with grey in her hair- goes on sobbing,yet an expression of desperate hope is trying to be born on her face. On some level she understands that the depth of her grief has allowed a kind of telephonic time travel. She’s trying to talk,to force the words out.)” It is strange how the older present-day Katie with grey hair was able to call her past self. This then explains why Katie had thought the the person calling her was a family member because the person calling Katie was just her future-self. This story was written having a lot of questions but as the story progressed you were able to find the answers the those questions as to who had made that mysterious

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