Stem Cell Informative Speech

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Dr. Marra Francis, CBR medical consultant, quoted: ‘‘There are only two things that you can potentially buy your new baby that are lifesaving: One is a good car seat and the other is cord blood''. Saving umbilical cord blood is of high priority since it contains stem cells that can be used for life-saving transplantation for children and adults in need. Years ago, this blood was usually considered medical waste. Recently, research has been made, and it was discovered that the umbilical cord blood has one unique kind of stem cells, the hematopoietic stem cells, which are vital for all your organs and tissues. It is a unique biological resource for life-saving treatments for you or for your family members. After a baby is born, the umbilical …show more content…

Stem cells vary in types and how they are formed. Some stem cells can do what other stem cells can't, and that's the reason researchers use all types of stem cells when investigating. One type of stem cells is the hematopoietic stem cells. The hematopoietic stem cell is far from the blood and bone marrow. It can rebuild itself and is different from any other cell. The cell sometimes undergoes apoptosis, or programmed cell death. These are the ones found in the cord blood and can rebuild the body's blood and immune systems. This advantage has lead to cord blood transplant treatments for life-threatening diseases. The National Institutes of Health and the National Cord Blood Program confirm that cord blood is still being studied for other medical purposes, such as autism, brain injury, cerebral palsy, and type I diabetes. These remain unproven and are currently the subject of ongoing research. Cord blood is also being used for the reason that the stem cells have the same effect as bone marrow, needed in most transplants, due to the presence of red and white blood cells, platelets, plasma, and hematopoietic stem cells. These stem cells have the power to cure many diseases including leukemia, blood and autoimmune diseases, lupus, and inheritable and metabolic diseases. These diseases were complicated to treat before cord blood was being saved. Now, we all have this …show more content…

After six rounds of chemotherapy, eight surgeries, hundreds of medications administered around the clock, the CAT Scan, MRI, EEG, EKG, Spinal Taps, morphine, temperatures of 106, heart rate of 230 per minute, pneumonia, sores throughout her entire GI tract, numerous visits to the intensive care unit, we had still not rid ourselves of this horrible disease. We searched the entire United States around the clock to find an answer. It was a cord blood unit. Through their unselfish dedication and compassion to save innocent children's lives, we had an answer to our prayers. Baby Katherine was

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