Embryonic Stem Cell Research Persuasive Speech

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1989 came with a boom as it molded the course of history – The Galileo Spacecraft launched by NASA flew up, the Berlin Wall tumbled down, and the massacre of Tiananmen Square left the city of Beijing in turmoil. Interestingly, a lesser known event swung the world of science in a complete 180. Scientists used embryonic stem cells to fabricate the first mice ever to lack assigned genes (Making). Just over a decade later, and following numerous embryonic stem cell discoveries, former U.S. president George W. Bush, authorized the use of federal funds for limited human embryonic stem cell research (Human). So, aiming for progress, mankind launched this new and exciting expedition. Nonetheless, in a culture that so readily promotes whatever promises a brighter future without weighing the means, we need to recognize the immorality of HESC testing. By exploiting these tiny humans in their foremost stages of development, the scientists behind this commit a heinous crime – …show more content…

Once an embryo forms, a doctor implants it in the mother, and it grows just like a naturally-conceived baby. However, numerous fertilized eggs never develop any further, as their mothers wish to implant and give birth to only one or two. Unfortunately, the “left-over” embryos, if not frozen for future implantation face deadly experiments. In fact, out of the 400,000 currently frozen embryos, the majority face a future of experiments (Stem). At the surface, this appears completely ethical – after all, we ought to put “left-overs” to good use. However, by playing God, we decide the death of these embryos. First, we decide their fate; then, we rule how such a convenience might aid humankind (Meilaender). As society forgets limitations, embraces perfection, and devalues human life, playing God merely becomes a game – a game between ….

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