Staying Motivation For Your Healthy

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Staying motivated to keep healthy can be a difficult task, but there are certain motivators that help me going. I have been struggling with weight issues for a while and it was not easy for me to start a diet/workout and stick to it. I had a negative body image that affected my emotions as well. I was not happy with the way I looked or felt. Eventually, I told myself that I didn't want to feel that way anymore. Recently, I have started working out and changing my eating habits for good. One of my major motivators is the fact that I do not want to go back to feeling sad or depressed and nor do I want to waste all the effort I have made. It motivates me when I wake up and look at myself in the mirror to find that not only am I reaching my weight loss goals, but my health goals as well. Working out releases endorphins as well and by the time I am done with my workout, I feel happy. I don't want to lose that feeling. Also, I have more energy, which keeps me going. If I were to stop working out, I would no longer have that. My sister also provides great motivation for me since she is also working out and eating healthier. She pushes me to keep going when I think I can't. Moreover, while the scale might scare people, everytime I find that I have lost weight, that motivates me further. I also like reading and seeing success stories, because that further proves to me that it is possible. Hearing other people talk about their routines and how their health has improved is always a great motivator. In order to stay motivated throughout my 20's, 30's, and 40's, I think I have to take into consideration that my body and energy level will change. Right now, since I am in my 20's, I am still full of energy and I have a high metabolism. Howeve... ... middle of paper ... ...y is serious enough. Otherwise, one might have to decrease the amount of time they workout or how hard/how often they work out. The area that has been injured should have ice placed on it after the person works out or has physical therapy. Moreover, anti-inflammatory medicine is used. In order to prevent this type of energy, one should always warm up at the beginning and end of a workout. It is important to also use the right equipment (for example, using jogging shoes when one goes jogging). Exercise should not be increased more than 10 percent every week and the right technique should always be used during exercise. Conditioning is also crucial for prevention and it should occur 2-3 weeks prior to the workout. Also, if one feels pain, they should pay attention to it because it could be a sign of injury. One should also allow their injury time to heal completely.

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