Stay Alive My Son By Mary Rowlandson Analysis

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Love Over Loss: Or Visa Versa The pain fell like rain, kissing the tender cheeks of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson and the family of a little boy named Nawath. Both are stories of tragedy and the ultimate sacrifice of love over loss, or visa versa told in, “The Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson,” by Mrs. Mary herself and in, “Stay Alive My Son,” by a Mr. Pin Yathay. Both families are ripped from their comfortable lives, only one will be reunited and the other will not. Both dealing with the final act of love, but through two very different cultural perspectives. It fell steadily until one night, it flurried, no longer grazing the cheek, but staining the heart. That’s the thing about pain, it demands to be felt. It felt like snow for Mrs. Mary , and like dreams for little Nawath. Mrs. Mary losing her child after being captured by the indians and made to leave her cold, stiff child where he lie. Nawath in pleasant dreams while his parents contemplate on whether or not to leave him at the house or take him when they decide to flee. They both lose everything in a matter of seconds, and were in no place to object. Poor Nawath in a deep …show more content…

Some were harder than others, but Mary never saw a day like those before again. Though eating a cake that someone gave her and describing it as tasting of “flint” in paragraph twelve, line fourteen, the showers of grief and tragedy were over now. She soon realised that first impressions were important but not permanent, saying,” They never offered abuse,” in paragraph eleven, lines 10-13. This quote is powerful, because it shows how her point of view was altered. For our little Nawath, so young and naive, so full of time but no way to spend it. He will soon meet his fate of being left by his parents. Not being abandoned, but giving his chance to someone else. Though, very sad for such a young soul, it was the ultimate sacrifice for his parents to

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