State and Federal Government - The Similarities and Differences

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The differences that we see between state governments and federal governments, are mainly because the two governments have completely different jobs to do.
The State of Colorado has a preamble that states:

“We, the people of Colorado, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, in order to form a more independent and perfect government; establish justice; insure tranquility; provide for the common defense; promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the “State of Colorado”.”
In The State Preamble some of the duties of the State Government are listed, such as establishing justice, insuring peace and safety, providing for the armed forces, and securing the right of liberty and freedom. These are things that the State Government is appointed to accomplish, with or without the help of the Federal Government.

The Federal Government has a preamble that is extremely similar, but the main difference is that the Federal Government is in control of the overall justice, peace, safety, and freedom of the entire country, not each state individually, but the country as a whole.

America was founded on a type of government called federalism, which means that power is split between the state (local) governments, and the federal government. Every state has its own Constitution, but it must match up with the US Constitution. The State Government is in charge of following through with the duties described in its particular Constitution, but it cannot be in disagreement with an amendment in the United States Constitution.

The Federal Government is split into three different branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. The Sta...

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...nsibility for their parks and recreation services, fire and police departments, emergency medical services, housing services, municipal courts, public and private transportation service, and public works (sewers, snow removal, signage, streets, etc.). The Federal and State Governments share power in numerous ways (some of which are listed above), but the Local government has to be granted power by their state. Generally speaking the City councils, mayors, and other members of government in the municipalities, are directly elected by the people.

Most, if not all of the information given in this report are from the following websites:

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