Stanley Friendship Quotes

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“Keep your head up, God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soilders” Over years in a human lifetime, we learn that we are stronger than we really think we are, which is an incredible thing. Through the influence of Zero’s friendship, Stanley changes from timid to brave. Flipping the pages of the first few chapters of the book, Stanley was very timid and frail. “He didn’t want Mr. Pen-dance-key to think he had a bad attitude.” (Sachar 17) This shows how Stanley is truly terrified of having a bad name at the Camp Greenlake, he doesn’t want to be like the other boys, or seem to be one of them… until he finally realizes he already has a bad name. Throughout the book Stanley has matured in terms of behavior, or personality These further quotes from stanley, or the book will rationalize my reasoning. “If you find something else, give it to me okay? Stanley wasn’t sure what to say. X-ray was clearly the leader of the group, and Stanley didn’t want to get on …show more content…

This made Stanley a better person by caring for other people rather than himself. “Stanley lay on his scratchy sheets. It occurred to him that his cot no longer smelled bad. He wondered if the smell had gone away, or if he just gotten used to it.” When Stanley thought this, it made me think that he gotten used to Zero being away as well. With Zero he had hope and he didn’t feel as hopeless or lonely, with Zero he knows that all things were possible at Camp Green Lake but now he’s feeling blue without him there. Overall Without Zero being there with Stanley he would not know how to be himself around the other boys, he might have even felt the need to get into as much trouble as they do just to feel relevant and apart of the group. With Zero he was himself and happy, Zero was a huge

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