Stanley Holes Quotes

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There is no lake at camp green lake it’s not even green expect for two oak trees. Those trees have a hammock and the only shade outside but no one is aloud to lay on it. No one expect the warden. When the protagonist of the novel holes,Stanley Yelnats arrives at “camp” green lake he inconcoters similar yet different challenges. Stanley changes from bullied and overweight to brave because of how Sanchar describes him in middle school,camp green lake,and God’s Thumb. In the beginning of the novel, Stanley is bullied and overweight. Based on Stanley overall appearance the author describes him as, “Overweight an the kids at his middle school often teased him about his size.” (Sanchez 7) In the text it explains Stanley is overweight and was made fun of that. In chapter six the author states , “Back at school a bully named Derrick Dunne used to torment Stanley.” (Sancher 23) In that part of the text the author states that Stanley was being bullied at school by Derrick. In addition to that Stanley is not only overweight and bullied but gains a strong relationship with Zero that makes him thoughtful. …show more content…

Without hesitation Stanley, “flung open the door to the truck and climbed quickly inside.” (Sancher 147) Stanley is thinking of Zero when he steals the truck from Mr.Sir because he thinks that Zero still may be alive. In addition to that while climbing the mountains Stanley, “Stooped down and let Zero fall over his right shoulder. He stood up, lifting Zero’s worn-out body off the ground.” (Sancher 170) Stanley could have left Zero In the desert to die but he carried him up the mountain instead. Stanley relationship with Zero made him come out of his comfort zone and became

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