Standardized Testing Strengths

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There isn’t one student in this world that is perfectly alike to another when comparing their mentality. Every student has their own differences, their own strengths and weaknesses, which makes them unique in their own way. With this being said, students do not need to be a part of a system that uses standardized tests that treat all of the students the exact same. A student’s possibilities of future success should not be limited down depending upon a standardized test’s score. For starters, I think standardized tests should be used because they do not test all areas a student may be talented in. Standardized tests only measure sections that teachers consider important, not all of the little details required to be successful. Most parents believe that standardized testing is best choice we’ve ever made in our schools; however, in reality, there are more items not being tested than there is. As the famous controversial issue web page ProCon said, “Standardized tests measure only a small portion of what makes education meaningful. According to late education researcher Gerald W. Bracey, PhD, qualities that standardized tests cannot measure include "creativity, critical thinking, resilience, motivation, persistence, curiosity, …show more content…

The test does not teach the student real-life problems that he will have to face and overcome in life. “The multiple-choice format used on standardized tests is an inadequate assessment tool. It encourages a simplistic way of thinking in which there are only right and wrong answers, which doesn't apply in real-world situations.” (ProCon) Sure, the kid knows how to find the hypotenuse of a triangle by using the pathegreom theorem but don’t you think he might also need to know how to responsibly finance money for bills? Therefore, I believe the students need to be learning more than just what these tests require them to

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