Staffing Management

1983 Words4 Pages

This paper will explain the difficulties facing staffing management. The information will provide information supporting what is the issue surrounding staffing management. The information will also connect the relationship of staffing issues as it relates to performance and employee retention. The research will provide an outlook as to how strategic management assists in solving staffing issue dilemmas on a broad organizational level. Upon completing the research, a better understanding was achieved as to the influence of the staffing process and how it affects the organizations’ success. Introduction Staffing management plays a key role in organizations because it aligns the right people for the right position. Individuals with the responsibility of staffing management must understand the relationship between handling employees’ personal and professional needs as well as forecasting the growth of the relationship in creating productivity in the organization. Issues arise from a lack of the stated relationship. Management has to strategize the fit and potential of an employee. Resources such as employee engagement, flexibility, and the right communication between employee and supervisor are helpful to use. New resources in staffing include is employment branding, and candidate relationship management. Employment branding entails using the image of an organization to draw potential candidates. Candidate relationship management involves using the image of the organization and building an ongoing relationship with that candidate that will allow them to eventually available for a position with that organization. Strategic management utilized by combining all of these processes to achieve overall objectives in the or... ... middle of paper ... ...he most successful and the least successful practices. This will provide a futuristic set of information that will potential establish the most effective options of prevention for any impending or potential staffing issues. Finally, staying abreast of all changes in the staffing industry as it relates to your organization is critical. Understanding changes in the business industry, demographics, advances in technology, the economy, and activity in local communities will be most beneficial. The organization success is almost always based on the relationship with its human assets. Acknowledging that the hiring process is one of the single most important aspects of organizational performance, will create an opportunity to strengthen the candidate pool through preparation and research. Staffing issues are can a result of unpreparedness and misinformation.

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