St. Francis Of Assisi Research Paper

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There are thousands of saints in the world, with each having their own admirable stories of sainthood and their dedication to Jesus. St Francis of Assisi was one of the saints who spent their life in pursuit of following the Gospel; giving everything he had to pursue God. It was his honest ways, eager spirit and undying temperance and fortitude that played a major role in his choosing to be a saint; a saint worth knowing.

A saint is a holy person who is believed to be connected in a special and spiritual way with God. To become a saint, the Bishop will investigate the person's life and gather information to present to the Vatican's Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Then, it needs to be recognised that the person has performed at least two miracles. This process lets those who is worthy of becoming saints be blessed with the title bestowed by God. …show more content…

His dream was to be a knight — he never thought to be a follower of God. After being taken prisoner for a year during battle when he was 19, St Francis began to have visions of God shortly after. One vision of God told him to help the sick and poor, while the other vision was when Francis heard God telling him to, “Repair my church, which is falling in ruins.” Inspired by his visions, Francis gave all his money to the church, from which his father angrily disowned him. Saint Francis then took a vow of poverty and preached to people about Jesus. After a year, St Francis and his followers formed the Franciscan order — an order dedicated to living a life according to the Gospel. After years of travelling with no belongings but never ending happiness, Francis eventually became ill and spent the last years of his life blind. He died an honourable death in 1226 from his sicknesses while singing Psalm 141. He was declared a saint of the catholic church just two years after his

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