Spread Of Islam Research Paper

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Although the religion of Islam is the youngest of all the three major religions; Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, but its impact is seen all over the world. It has the same characteristics with the major religions of the world, but it also has a contrasting origin, sacred texts, and its view of God.
The founder of Islam is known to be prophet Muhammad. Muhammad was born a member of the tribe of Quraysh and the clan of Hashim. His hometown of Mecca houses an ancient and famous pilgrimage sanctuary, the Kaʿbah. Although founded by Abraham polytheism and idolatry reigned in Mecca. Muhammad was born in 570, the year in which the King Abraha in South Arabia attempts to conquer Mecca. Unfortunately Muhammad’s father passed away before his birth. …show more content…

Muhammad was born of in an humble origin in the city of Mecca, When Muhammad turned twenty-five, he was employed by a rich woman named Khadijah, soon after she asks Muhammad a hand in marriage, in which he gladly accepts. The year 610 was the most remarkable day of his life, in a cave in Mount Hira North of Mecca, he had a vision in which he heard the voice of God, in this vision God spoke through angel Gabriel, in which Muhammad was commanded to become the prophet of the true religion. From then on Muhammad began to receive a lifetime of religious revelations, which he and other prophets compiled together that became the Qu’ran. These revelations became the foundation of the islamic religion. As a result of his revelations and encounter with God, by the summer of 622, Muhammad had gathered a significant number of converts in …show more content…

He took away Muhammad’s protection, which he means he could be attacked or killed , and the criminal will go scot free. After failing to win protection in Mecca, Muhammad secures protection from the inhabitants of the town of Yathrib, also known as Medina. This promise enables Muhammad and his followers to leave Mecca for Medina. Medina is partly inhabited by Jewish tribes. Together with Abū Bakr, the future first caliph, Muhammad is the last to depart. At Medina, Muhammad built a prayer venue for his followers. He then drafts a covenant that joins together “the Believers and Submitters of Quraysh and of Yathrib” as well as some of Medina’s Jewish tribes into a community and to recognize Muhammad as the “Messenger of

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