Sports Conditioning

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Sports performance is carrying out of specific physical routines or procedures by one who is trained or skilled in physical activity. Performance is usually influenced by a combination of physiological and also psychological. Performance of an athlete usually measured by the goals they set and how hard they are willing to train for the sport they take part in. When thinking of performing a duty to a team most people don’t think about the mental obstacles one might have to overcome to accomplish a goal. When dealing with any athlete there is more to it than just throwing them in a game and expecting them to play well. You have to consider Nutrition, exercise, practice and their mental state. If you learn to balance this a player will be able to reach a goal. If it’s kicking a soccer ball into a goal, or scoring a touchdown. It comes down to how did you perform? Of course with performance there has to be strength and with strength comes conditioning.
Sports Conditioning and Strengthening Sports performance strength and conditioning targets specific training goals to help you improve in your performance in the sport you play for your specific position. This differs for other exercise programs and regular work outs if when conditioning for an exact sport you …show more content…

Sports injuries can affect bones or soft tissues such as ligaments, muscles, and tendons. When playing in a sport there is always a chance you might get an injury. Children ages from five to 14 years old have the highest rate of injuries, children are more likely to suffer injuries due to their immature reflexes and are less likely to recognize risks. Of course as you know contact sports are one of the highest rated, and with that being said most injuries happen during practice rather than in an actual game. When dealing with sports 95% of the time injuries are minor soft tissue traumas, like bruising

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