Spirit Day Reflection

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Pajama Day, Twin Day, 80’s Day, Geek Day and Sport Team Day are just a few of the typical activities that Student Council members present for approval by the administration team for spirit week. Spirit Week is connected typically to a schools Homecoming activities. Therefore, when Mr. Daniels presented the purposed days to the administration team everyone seem to agree except for myself. However, I did not disagree with all the days just one day in particular: All Color Day. All Color Day is where students can choose one color and all of their clothing items must be that color. My reasoning for disagreeing with the All Color Day correlated with recent events that occurred at the school. Within the first week of school 3 students were identified as being members of 3 different rival gangs in South Raleigh. These students were identified at first with certain symbols and number that were written on their class work. Hence, from further investigation, it was found that these students had prior history in their community. Taking this information into account if All Color Day was allowed these students, in addition to others would use this time to express their gang affiliation through their colors. The principal agreed that she did not think about that therefore was grateful that I spoke up on the issue. Mr. Daniel also agreed and required Student …show more content…

West Millbrook Middle School establishes a culture that takes pride in building their school community. A community that involves the students and staffs working together to build a positive environment. Therefore, during Homecoming week Student Council really enjoys getting the students and even the staff involved in Spirit Week. Although, Spirit Week is enjoyable and brings the school community together Student Council members are aware of the proper procedures that must be used to get their activities

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