Spinal Manipulation Essay

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Review of Literature Spinal manipulation and mobilization are commonly used treatment modalities for back pain, particularly by physical therapists, osteopaths, and chiropractors.6 Chiropractors are commonly viewed as practitioners who primarily or exclusively treat musculoskeletal conditions.7 Even chiropractors with extensive clinical research training have traditionally focused on the spine and its related disorders. Approximately 83% of the chief complaints to chiropractors were related to musculoskeletal complaints during the year 2003 and the frequency of musculoskeletal conditions diagnosed by primary care allopathic physicians was approximately 10%.7 Non-musculoskeletal problems represent only 2-6% of the complaints seen in chiropractic …show more content…

Musculoskeletal disorders and injuries if the elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand may occur in their supporting and related muscles, ligaments, and capsules.11 Because the spine and lower extremity work together in the upright posture, there is considerable potential for the human foundation (ie, foot and ankle) to influence the function of other regions of the …show more content…

The evidence base for treating musculoskeletal disorders with manipulation has been growing over the past two decades, so there is now substantial evidence supporting this type of treatment and spinal manipulation for back pain is recommended in several guidelines.8 Manipulative therapy was reported as the most commonly used treatment techniques in the management of spinal musculoskeletal disorders. In a survey done by Clijsters et. Al, out of eighteen listed conditions, sixteen were reported to have diversified technique as the most frequent first choice of treatment.13 Instrument adjusting, such as Activator, which is a tonal technique that uses various pressure and stress tests to find the area of subluxation, was the number one choice for treatment of musculoskeletal cases in the cervical

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