Spanish Lynx Essay

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The Spanish lynx is indigenous to Spain. They almost went extinct with the population dropping below 100 in 2002.

The Iberian wolf is a carnivore. They have a bad reputation because they kill hundred of people each year. Farmers and the Wolves have tension because the wolves eat their crops.

Long haired mountain goat are easy to find in the mountains of Spain. There are about 20,000 in Spain. They like to eat grass, herbs, shrubs, lichens and mosses

The Spanish black vulture is the largest bird of prey indigenous to Spain. There are more than 400 that live in Spain.

Spanish brown bears are almost at extinction in Spain. They are the largest predator in the iberian peninsula. HUmans have cause damages to their habitats. …show more content…

It is a very common decoration. The flower needs less water making it easier to maintain. Succulents and Cacti are found in the Canary Island in Spain. They can survive hot temperatures and even cooler temperature. They are impossible to kill because of the adaptations to survive harsh environments

Yucca are tough, spiky plants in Spain. They grow well in hot temperatures and thrive in the Canary Islands area. They are used as decoration in garden in Spain. Climate Overview of Madrid
The climate in Madrid is sub tropical. Madrid has cool winters, wet spring and fall and the summer is dry. In the Summer it is dry and warm. It never gets really too hot in Summer and it never gets super cold in the winter. It is in 40s during the winter time and in 70s for the summer. .Madrid is one of the sunniest places in Europe. The Spring is the best season in Madrid. In March it is 42-60ºF with 26mm of rain. In April is 45-64ºF with 47mm of rain. In May it is 51-69ºF with 52mm of rain.
What Biome is Madrid?
Madrid is a chaparral biome. It has Mediterranean climates and is temperate grassland.
What Language is Spoken in Madrid?
The language spoken in Madrid in Spanish

What Music do Madridrain listen

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