Space Exploration Persuasive Essay

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Space Exploration, Creating a Better World

319 million people, but only one country to aid. Over the years space exploration has brought humankind closer to a new planet to live on and new materials to use. Space exploration should continue because it represents a pathway to a more advanced lifestyle on our society and it has strongly improved our health and safety on our lives developing new technology therefore, helping the people on Earth.

Space Exploration should be funded because NASA is working on finding life on Mars. According to NASA, “Mars has always been a source of inspiration for explorers and scientists. Robotic missions have found evidence of water, but if life exists beyond Earth still remains a mystery.” If NASA isn’t funded …show more content…

But much of the technology NASA developed in reaching for the stars has filtered down to the masses, leading to innovations such as more nutritious infant formula and sunglasses that block harmful ultraviolet light. ‘We get better airplanes, or we get better weather forecasting from space stuff, sure,’ said Daniel Lockney, program executive in technology transfer and spinoff partnerships at NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C. ‘But we also get better-fed children. That kind of stuff, people don't necessarily associate.’” NASA doesn’t only deal with things that happen/deal with space, but they gather materials they find from space to make goods that are comfortable and easy to use, which would mean that they are a group of inventors as well. According to New York Times, president Obama said that “‘In the years that have followed, the space race inspired a generation of scientists and innovators, including, I’m sure, many of you. It’s contributed to immeasurable technological advances that have improved our health and well-being, from satellite navigation to water purification, from aerospace manufacturing to medical imaging.’” Everyone contributes to NASA every year, and NASA has given many people jobs which has changed so many of the workers lives by inspiring and innovating. If space exploration stopped then many jobs will be lost from the citizens of the US. Think about the other …show more content…

As reported by CNN News “The reasons such efforts drive up the costs include: A human needs a return ticket, while a robot can go one way. Space vehicles for humans must be made safe, while NASA can risk a bunch of robots without losing sleep. Robots are much easier to feed, experience little trouble when subject to prolonged weightlessness, and are much easier to shield from radiation. And they can do most tasks humans can.” A robot can do MOST things that humans can, but not all. A robot can miss the most significant detail that could be life changing. Humans can also bring back evidence from a planet that robots can’t if they don’t have a return ticket. If the robots always return, it would cost more money than sending a person which you don’t have to build with money and a spacecraft. Furthermore, if a space shuttle isn’t made correctly and there is a robot in it and something happened to it, then we would lose the spacecraft and the robot thus losing the money the government used to make the special objects. As stated in BBC News “Space is a disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence. Leonardo ‘Bones’ McCoy has a point, space travel leaves you weak, tired, sick, and possibly depressed. ‘Space isn’t an environment we’ve involved to survive in…’ It’s wrong to conceive space travel as this long haul flight with

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