Space Exploration Argumentative Essay

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Argumentative Essay There are a lot of people wondering through towns and cities looking for money to buy food and personal items, but while people are struggling the government is spending about $209 billion to send people up into space. If U.S government would continue to keep founding space exploration it wouldn’t be good because, there are a lot of things that could happen and ruin people’s lives. If there weren’t space exploration founding we could avoid putting lives at danger, and economic spending. Sending astronauts out into space can bring danger to their lives and pain to their love once lives. For example, as stated in source 1 “Being in space poses many risks to astronauts, and with our current abilities, astronauts cannot realistically make it past Mars, let alone other galaxies or exoplanets” (Farrar). The government would risk people’s lives just to explore more planets, but it’s true that we can …show more content…

For example, as stated in source 1 “Others argue that this money would be better spent exploring and conserving our home planet, rather than fantasizing about colonizing other ones” (Farrar). People spent enough money as it is, we don’t need the government also wasting money that we pay in our taxes. Although, it says in source 2 “Some will say that we’re in the deepest economic crisis since the 1930s and we simply don’t have spare pocket money for this. But, the first thing to remember when looking at the recent announcement that Nasa is to put $1.6bn into a project to get its astronauts up the International Space Station, is that this is actually not a very large sum of money” (Bizony). People could say that money is no issue but technically it is to people with low incomes, mainly because they don’t earn a lot of money and them money that the government is spending it’s from the taxes as I stated

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