Sound Of Thunder And Gloria Skurzynski's

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Ray Bradbury’s “Sound of Thunder” and Gloria Skurzynski’s “Nethergrave” are both fascinating stories, placed other realities, about how someone’s mistakes can backfire into something much larger. When Eckle steps off the path, and Jeremy turns himself into something he isn’t online, their lives completely change.

“Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury starts off when a man named Eckle and Travis and Lesperance all travel back in time millions of years to hunt a Tyrannosaurus rex for the Time Safari Inc. When they arrive in the time of the dinosaurs, Eckle was clearly instructed only to stay on the hovering path, otherwise it could alter the future. When they heard the loud thunderous footsteps of the T-rex Eckle became entranced by the enormous creature. When being caught by the eye of the beast, the T-rex was shot and killed, but a more …show more content…

After Jeremy’s parents neglected him and sent him away to boarding school, other young boys started to take on the toxic habit of bullying and mocking him. Jeremy was a clumsy and awkward boy but he just wanted to fit it, and it didn’t make it any better when him accidentally scored a goal for the opposite team in soccer. When he goes online and starts playing a virtual reality game, his avatar is anything but Jeremy. Jeremy became consumed by this game and his online world became his life. He lied to his online friend about almost everything and the Jeremy that was picked was nothing like the one he portrayed. Real-life Jeremy was a shy, clumsy, odd kid who had been through a lot, but the avatar was strong, agile, graceful and fast, everything that he wants to be in real life. After being discovered by his online friends, they stopped talking to him all together and realized his lies, made him alone. The mistake changed what good he had to just another version of his

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