Soulmate Relationship Essay

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There is no denying it. We all want to believe in soulmates. Most people imagine another soul being born and then wandering the earth looking for them when they think of a soulmate. And let's face it, the thought of one other soul being linked to ours for all eternity is a pleasing thought, isn't it? It would mean that we are never alone - even if we haven't found our soulmate yet - because they are there and we will reconnect with them eventually. Following are some soulmate quotes to help us understand soulmates better.

1. A Theory On Soulmates

"According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves." - Plato, The Symposium

Plato is considered a huge …show more content…

So, whether the person is a man or woman, friend or lover, old or young, I think it's safe to say that the connection is what matters most.

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3. A Soulmate Relationship Isn't About Perfection

I would take the fights about the dishes over a perfectly crafted caption about soulmates any day. Today, and tomorrow, I need more reality. - Hannah Brencher
Too many people expect a soulmate to be perfect. The perfect personality, attitude, habits, etc. But, we are human and perfection isn't possible. This expectation of perfection will set you up for failure, even if you do find your soulmate! You must live in reality if you want to make things work.

You and your soulmate may not get along at times. You may have fights about the dishes. Arguments happen. Differences occur. Life gets's messy. Embrace it all knowing that your soulmate and your relationship with them doesn't have to be

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