Dating Essay

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Dating use to be simple. Two people get to know each other, go on a few dates, and then one day they decide to be boyfriend and girlfriend. However, this doesn't seem to be the case anymore. The term “Dating” is getting used less every day. Dating is a thing of the past because it takes a longer process for two people to determine if they are ready to commit, the term “talking” has replaced the word dating, and because people don't stay fully committed to one person anymore. To begin with, dating is a thing of the past because it takes a longer process to guarantee that two people are ready to date. When two people are getting to know each other, each person is wondering what the other person is feeling. Does he or she like me? Does he or she want to be with me?. So when it comes to the point to decide to start dating, there is hesitation. In “Is Dating A Thing Of The Past?” by Tess Bray, Bray says that “Defining relationships is like walking on egg shells because you never know what the other person is feeling or what they are …show more content…

The term “talking” basically means that two people are in the process of being together but are not really together yet. The “talking” stage is where two people are getting to know one another with no strings attached. In “Dating, Talking, Being In A Relationship: What's the difference? by Amy Reeves, Reeves says “When we say Sally and Mark are “talking,” we mean a variety of things: friends with benefits, flirting with each other via text, friends that sometimes makeout, two people that are interested in each other, but don't want a relationship, or two people going on dates but have not decided if they are ready for a serious relationship”.(Reeves) This explains how the term “talking” has replaced the word dating because the term “talking” has more than one meaning and can be used to describe different relationships between two

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