Somewhere In Brooklyn Bridge Essay

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Links between Bruno Mars’s “Somewhere in Brooklyn” and Andy Warhol’s “Brooklyn Bridge” At first sight the song Somewhere in Brooklyn by Bruno Mars and the screen print Brooklyn Bridge by Andy Warhol are closed to each other only by the mention of the same New York’s borough in their names. Works belongs to different types of art, styles, authors and time periods. But a closer analysis shows Warhol’s screen print is connected with the song in more features than its name. Both works has images of the Brooklyn Bridge. The color palette of Warhol’s screen play, at least its version from the Brooklyn Museum, reflects lyrics of Mars’s song. The artist presented the bridge from two points of view; this perspective corresponds to the plot of the song and becomes the third potential link of these two works. The appearance of the Brooklyn Bridge does not look like a direct similarity. Warhol turned it into the central aspect of his work, while in the song it was demonstrated occasionally in several scenes of the official video. The transport part of lyrics focuses on trains, which routes do not go through the bridge. But, despite a weak level of connection in this aspect, it still exists and creates a basis for two other mentioned features. The Brooklyn Bridge is the landmark part of New York. …show more content…

1, 3). These colors appear in Warhol’s work in the same order, if a person looks at the picture from top downward. While the word “gold” potentially referred to the girl’s outlook, it can be interpreted as an external factor; for example, the hue was created by the sunlight. A red general background can be interpreted as a color of passion, which is the main emotion in the song, where the narrator makes great efforts to find a girl he fell in love with. Warhol’s screen print becomes a good illustration for the song supporting its emotions and plot both by the color palette and

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